Weekend Wrap-Up: Back To Tamriel… Again
The Weekend Wrap-Up offers a little look at what I’m reading, the new books that came my way, and anything else I may have gotten up to this past week. I will be linking up to Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? and hopping around your blogs a little to see what the community has to share too! This past week I found myself with many deadlines, fingers crossed for me!
My Week
This is getting tougher every week. The exhaustion is wearing me down, and I think I’m in a blogging slump already? It’s hard to say but writing is super hard for me right now. Please bear with me!
As for what I’ve been doing, I’ve been mostly playing The Elder Scrolls Online. I love New World but I found I was logging in for the sake of it and ESO just appealed to me more this week.
I worked a little on levelling up my Antiquities (ESO’s archaeology skill) and earning tickets for the current Bounties of Blackwood event. These temporary seasonal events let you unlock unique mounts and things if you participate actively, and I really like this current one! I don’t think I’ll get him in time, but I am working towards at least being able to get the next one, perhaps. Also, it’s fun.
With all of that, I’ve found other things I want to work on, like doing my Undaunted pledges because that will unlock a decent ability for my Warden, and hopefully a few skill points from dungeons I haven’t done yet, and an alt or two, making a little gold as I play, things like that.
It is very lonely, my friends are all off playing and doing other things, but I enjoy it. I considered streaming it just to have some company but streaming is a bigger struggle for me than writing. It takes a lot of energy to be social and even semi-lively.
Myself and 3 other friends have also been preparing a new TTRPG game, one that I’ll be playing in, not running! This will not be Dungeons & Dragons, however, but the Dresden Files system with a kind of steampunk-gothic-horror theme.
Now, I’ve never read the books but that’s okay, as we’ve decided we’re playing in 1950s London which is super exciting and before the time of the books, and on a different continent! It’s an old city with lots of hidden areas, interesting history and folklore to play with. So we’ve been doing some group worldbuilding and I’ve been researching all sorts of neat tidbits that we can twist and add magic into along with the others. Of course, Ravenloft is out there and we also have that to contend with so we’ve got an interesting game on the horizon. I can’t wait.
So of course I’m now in the mood to read a bunch of books about London’s history and folklore, the Dresden Files, Alex Verus, and the Rivers of London. I really need to get cracking with Empire in Black and Gold.
I’ve been watching Pose series 3 this week. Thankfully BBC iPlayer has all three seasons so I’ve been able to catch that. Pose is such a well-made show, I’m sad to see it come to an end but… it’s also heartbreaking and I only have the finale left and I don’t know if I can do that today because I know it’s going to hurt but.. soon!
I also watched this week’s Drag Race UK which is picking up a bit. This week was the design challenge which is always fun to see the creativity and… not, of the queens.
On The Blog
I did partially write a post about New World’s queue problem earlier this week but I ran out of steam and it’s basically irrelevant now so never mind! I am planning to add my “currently playing games” to my sidebar some time, completely ripped off from Belghast.
Some good sales on Kindle this week! Already have books 1 for Foundation and the two Thrawn series so it was nice to snap up the next books in those series, and Rosemary’s Baby is a classic I am excited to read some day. Gotta love some demon kids, right?
Next Week
Gosh I don’t know. I want to say I’ll read a load and get a review out and do great with my CBT but I’m having to take each day as it comes right now, and that’s okay.
How have your weeks been? Been up to anything you want to share? Please do in the comments! I love to hear from you.
22 thoughts on “Weekend Wrap-Up: Back To Tamriel… Again”
I hope you feel better soon. Exhaustion is so difficult to deal with.
Thanks Wendy
Oh no blogging slumps are a bummer! Hope this is a better week. I’m behind on the newer games but that one you’re about to start sounds fun.
Nice to see some promising Star Wars titles coming out.
Thanks Greg, me too. 😅 Elder Scrolls? I’ve played it on/off for a few years, really, but t is fun! There’s lots to do.
Right? I have a few now.. should probably start them, eh? Haha.
The Dresden Files game sounds really cool! Good luck with your blogging slump and sleep issues, I definitely know about blogging slumps. Luckily they usually go away after a while😁
It does! I’ll have to share a bit when we start playing. And thank you, hopefully I can work on it a bit this week! 😀
The Dresden Files books start well and just get better. By the mid-series they’re really complex and compelling. The characters are very memorable, too. There’s also a three season TV adaptation which is not bad at all. I think it’s on Amazon Prime at the moment (or it might be Netflix).
Probably Prime, I haven’t seen it on Netflix. They’re one of those series I’ve intended to read for years!
Rosemary’s Baby is one of those books that just freaked me out completely! Let me know what you thought about it.
Good luck with your blogging slump. It will get better again!
Have a good week.
That’s what we like to hear, lol!
Thank you. <3
I am sorry to hear your exhaustion is only getting harder to handle. I can sympathise a bit as this week went by in a blur of work and tiredness, leaving me little to no time to read. I pray you will feel better soon and be able to read more. 🙏🙂
Sorry about your slump. I’m having writing one kind of. I want to get organized and ready for NaNoWriMo next month, but can’t seem to do anything past looking for ways to get organized. Here’s hoping we have a good week!
Lisa Loves Literature
I used to play Morrowind all the time, and I loved it. Elderscrolls looks similar? I played so many MMOs back before I had my kiddo. My favorites were EQ and Star Wars Galaxies.
Enjoy your week!
I have never played an RPG but it sounds like you enjoy them very much. I have read most of the Dresden books and really should schedule a reread so that I can catch up. It has been so long since I’ve read the series that the new ones were baffling since I remembered so little of previous happenings. Come see my week here. Happy reading!
Ooh, I loved Rosemary’s Baby, both the book and the movie.
Enjoy your week and your books, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES
exhaustion makes everything seem like a chore. i am so far behind on reading blog posts and creating my own. reading for me has been sporadic. i just want a day where i can sleep all day and not be bothered.
hope everything is going well for you and that you have gotten some rest.
Sorry you’ve been in a slump. I can definitely relate. This whole past year has been much slower for me blogging-wise.
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