Weekend Wrap-Up: You Get The Idea By Now
The Weekend Wrap-Up offers a little look at what I’m reading, the new books that came my way, and anything else I may have gotten up to this past week. I will be linking up to Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? and hopping around your blogs a little to see what the community has to share too! This past week I found myself with many deadlines, fingers crossed for me!
My Week
You get the idea by now, haha. Tired didn’t sleep well etc.
I was exhausted for basically the whole week. Bored of talking about it but yep. On Thursday I was stretching and tweaked my back a bit, so had to deal with that. It’s still there right now as a dull twinge so I’m just trying to stretch smart and not slouch too much.
Also, I do apologise if I’m not able to get to your blogs quite as much. Screen reading is a struggle for me at the best of times, when I’m fatigued it’s extra tough. I’m trying though, which is all we can ask!
Due to the above, my reading has continued to suffer. Considering I’m working on CBT, I am inclined to bring reading into the habit building. I did add it to my Habitica task list but it doesn’t help much when you’re already barely awake.
That being said, I have sorted out my issue with having a couple of looming review deadlines, which was probably not helping much, so now I can go back to mood reading and keep building.
I watched through series 3 of The Circle on Netflix this week. Just waiting on the finale now. It’s been an interesting season! While a part of me resents when backstabbing occurs, I still like everybody there. Wild, I know.
I also completed The Nautilus Ark! Ashley Johnson’s foray into the DM seat for Critical Role, that was a really nice one-shot. And me and a friend watched some paranormal investigations together on Youtube, that was fun.
You know, with my tiredness issues, gaming has come in clutch for keeping me sane. I’ve been playing a lot of Final Fantasy XIV, only helped by the fact that a couple friendos started playing this week so I of course made a new character on their server to play with them as the NA server I’m already on is locked to new characters for the foreseeable future. Here is my new girl on the Crystal datacenter.
I did start a search for a free company (guild) on my main server, though with New World releasing next Tuesday I think I will hold off until I know how much I’ll be playing.
On Sunday, we played Dungeons & Dragons! Finally. It had been probably a month since I last ran anything but we picked right back up where we left off and the party managed to scare off the strange creature they found in those caverns, right before bashing some poor innocent Redbrand and making their way into the wizard’s chambers where they found themselves a captured Dragon Cultist and made a right old mess of the alchemy equipment. Look, you bring a wolf into a room with a rat, he will eat the invisibility potion, that’s all I’m saying.
I also ran a game for my other group on Tuesday. They’ve finally descended into the dungeon I’ve been prepping for … months, and spent the session exploring a strange cavern featuring a bioluminescent tree and three smaller trees, plus an intriguing mosaic, and getting into fights with some small stick monsters. I love this game. Also, enjoy the map I made for this room! I’m very proud of it.
On the Blog
As I said, rough week. But here’s last week’s Weekend Wrap-Up if you’d like to catch up!
I almost went a whole week without a new book and then Redemptor by Joran Ifueko, the follow-up to Raybearer, was 99p. Considering I had to cancel my preorder on this one, I snapped it up.
Next Week
Continued CBT work, will also have my appointment with the CBT specialist on Friday. Also on Friday, I’ll be participating in the blog tour for Chronicles of Iona: Exile so look out for that! And on Tuesday, a new MMORPG launches: New World. I’ve got my preorder in and will be playing that as soon as the mad launch rush dies down a little. I’m eager to log in on the day but MMO launches are always horrendous, I’m a seasoned vet by now. I know better! Perhaps if I feel up to it I’ll write a little about my gaming antics.
How about you? How have your weeks been? Reading anything good? Got up to anything interesting? I’d love to hear what you’re all getting up to in the comments!
10 thoughts on “Weekend Wrap-Up: You Get The Idea By Now”
Ok I have never heard of CBT so I had to look it up. How interesting, and I hope it helps you. I’m finishing up The Bone Ship’s Wake today which has taken me two weeks to read, lol. But it’s so so good and I know I’ll be crying at the end. Take care Hannah😁
I hope so too. I’m not sure about it but I’m willing to try. Sadly it’s all we really get for therapy options on the NHS.
Oh nice! I think I might get back to Empire in Black and Gold, I paused it for a deadline book but I was getting really into it and I removed that deadline due to my current stuffs.
You too 😀
Best of luck with your CBT. I love that frazzled cat photo!! I have felt like that a lot! Hope you get some rest this week.
Thanks Wendy. Me too, lol.
the gif of the cat makes me laugh every time, and I really needed a laugh today. thanks. I love the UK cover for redemptor.
hope you have a good week
Me too. 😂 And same! The cover art is so gorgeous.
What a great looking map. I often browse through the D& D maps on Pintrest, and some of them are so incredible.
I hope you find a book to capture your interest soon
Wishing you a great reading week
Thank you! And yeah, I check Discord channels and Patreons and Reddit sometimes and feel so humbled, haha. People are so good at this!
You too. <3
I love the Circle on Netflix! Have been watching the first 4 episodes. Can’t wait to continue watching this weekend.
I can totally relate to being tired, I’ve actually scheduled this “blog time”, because I feel so AFK if I don’t visit some blogs and comment here and there 🙂
Hopefully next week you’ll feel more rested.
It’s so good! It’s been a wild series this time around.
Aye, I need to do something similar. And thank you. <3
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